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Jurkeviciute, M. Enam, A., Torres, J., Eriksson, H. (2018) Development of a case-specific eHealth evaluation framework. Submitted. Joint design. Data collection by Enam and Torres. Writing and analysis mainly Jurkeviciute
Dahlin, S. Eriksson, H., Camén C. (2018). Developing criteria for quality improvement in care procurement. Submitted Joint design, quantitative data collection and analysis mainly by Dahlin. Qualitatitive data collection Eriksson, and analysis Camén. Joint writing
Dahlin, S., Eriksson, H. Raharjo, H. (2018) Process mining for quality improvement: propositions for practice and research. Submitted. Joint design, literature review and analysis mainly by Dahlin. Joint writing
Enam, A., Torres, J., Eriksson, H. (2018) Evidence based evaluation of eHealth interventions: A systematic literature review. Submitted. Joint design and writing. Data collection by Enam and Torres.
Fundin, A., Bergquist, B., Eriksson, H. and Gremyr, I. (2018) Challenges and Propositions for Research in Quality Management.” International Journal of Production Economics. Vol 199, May, Pages 125-137. Project leader Fundin. Joint design, systematic literature review and writing. Data analysis by Bergquist.
Raharjo, H. and Eriksson, H. (2017). Exploring differences between private and public organizations in business excellence model" International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol. 37 No 12, pp.1795-1816, Data collection by Eriksson. Data analysis by Raharjo. Joint design and writing,
Eriksson (2016). Differences concerning quality management between public and private, manufacturing and service, SME and large organisations. International journal of quality and reliability management. Vol 33 No 9, pp.1394 – 1405. Single-authored paper
Eriksson, H. Gremyr, I, Garvare R. Bergquist, B, Fundin, A., Wiklund, H., Sörqvist, L. & Wester M. (2016). Exploring Quality Challenges and the Validity of Excellence Models. International Journal of operation and production management. Vol 36 No 10, pp.1201-1221. Project leader Eriksson. Data collection by Eriksson and Wester. Joint data analysis and writing with Eriksson doing more in total
Bröchner, J. Eriksson H. Camen C, Garvare R. (2016) Quality and legal aspects in public care procurement. TQM Journal, Vol 28, No 4, pp. 648-663. Joint design and writing. Data analysis by Bröchner
Hendry Raharjo. Roberta Guglielmetti Mugion, Henrik Eriksson, Ida Gremyr, Laura Di Pietro, and Maria Francesca Renzia (2015). Excellence Models in the Public Sector Relationships between Enablers and Results in Excellence Models. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences. Vol. 7 No 1 pp. 120 – 135, Joint design and writing. Data collection by Eriksson and Mugion. Analysis by Raharjo
Santos, M., Tygesen, H., Eriksson, H., Herlitz, J. (2014). Clinical decision support system (CDSS) – effects on care quality. International journal of health care quality assurance, Vol 27 No 8, pp. 707-718. Joint design, analysis and writing, with Santos doing most of the work in total. Data collection by Santos
Santos, M. & Eriksson, H. (2014). Making quality registers supporting improvements. A systematic review of the data visualization in five quality registries. Quality Management in Healthcare, Vol 23 No 2 pp. 119-128. Joint design, analysis and writing, with Santos doing most of the work in total. Data collection by Santos
Siverbo, K. Eriksson, H., Raharjo, H. and Moonen, M. (2014). Attitudes Towards Quality Improvement Among Healthcare Professionals: Lessons from a Hospital-Wide Quality Initiative. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences. Vol. 6 No 2/3, pp. 203-212.
Santos, M, & Eriksson, H. (2014) "Insights into Physician Scheduling: a case study of public hospital departments in Sweden", International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol 27 No 2, pp.76-90. Joint design, analysis and writing, with Santos doing more work in total. Data collection by Santos
Siverbo, K., Eriksson, H., Wijk, H (2013). Enjoyable change in health care: The development and evaluation of an Innovation Engine." International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management Vol. 62 Iss: 2, pp.156 - 167 Intervention, data collection and analysis by Siverbo. Design and writing mainly by Eriksson and Siverbo.
Assarlind, M., Eriksson, H., Gremyr, I and Jakobsson, T. (2012). “Adopting New Ways of Working in SMEs: Findings from Interventions in twelve European Companies”. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 24 (8) s. 945-958. Co-authored paper by Assarlind, Eriksson and Gremyr. Data collection by Jakobsson.
Bergquist, B., Garvare, R., Eriksson, H., Hallencreutz, J., Langstad, J., Vanhatalo, E, Zobel, T. (2012) “Alive and kicking–but will Quality Management be around tomorrow? A Swedish academia perspective”, Quality Innovation Prosperity Journal, 16 (2) pp. 1-18. Project leader: Eriksson. Study design by Eriksson and Hallencreutz. Data collection jointly. Analysis by Hallencreutz. Writing jointly. Eriksson responsible and main writer of introduction and theory.
Hellström, A. and Eriksson, H. (2012). Among Fumblers, Talkers, Mappers, and Organizers. Four applications of process orientation. TQM and Business Excellence. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 24 (5-6), 733-751 Joint design, data collection, analysis and writing, with Hellström doing more work in total
Rönnbäck, Å. and Eriksson, H. (2012). A Case Study on Quality Management and Digital Innovation. Relationship and Learning Aspects. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 4 (4), 408-422. Data Collection and analysis by Rönnbäck. Design and writing by Rönnbäck and Eriksson
Eriksson, H. Bergbrant, I-M, Berrum, I, Mörck, B. (2011), Successful reduction of queues. A study on variation in demand and capacity. Health care quality Assurance, Vol 24 Issue 8. Intervention performed by Bergbrant and Mörck. Design by Bergbrant Berrum, Eriksson and Mörck. Data collection, analysis and writing mainly by Eriksson
Hellström, A. and Eriksson, H. (2008). ”Are you viewing, mapping or organizing your processes?” The TQM Magazine, Vol 20 No 2, pp 166-174. Joint design, data collection, analysis and writing, with Hellström doing more work in total.
Andersson, R. Eriksson, H. and Torstensson, H. (2006). “Similarities and differences between TQM, Six Sigma and Lean Production”. The TQM Magazine. Vol 18 No 3, pp. 282 – 296. Study design and analytical work by Andersson and Eriksson. Writing mainly by Eriksson.
Eriksson, H. and Hansson, J. (2005). Integration of Management Systems. Theoretical and practical implications. Asian Journal for Quality. Vol 7, No 2. pp. 70-82. Co-authored paper (authors appear in alphabetical order). Joint design, data collection, analysis and writing
Eriksson, H. and Garvare, R. (2005). “Organisational performance improvement through quality award process participation”. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. Vol 22 No 9, pp. 894 – 912. Study design, data collection, analysis and writing mainly Eriksson
Eriksson, H., Johansson, F. and Wiklund H. (2003). “Effects of in-company quality awards on organizational performance”. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Vol 14 No 2, pp. 235-242. Study design by Johansson and Eriksson, data collection, analysis and writing mainly by Eriksson
Eriksson, H. (2003). “Experiences of working with in-company quality awards. A case study”. The TQM Magazine. Vol 15 No 2, pp. 397-407. Single-authored paper
Eriksson, H. (2003). “Organisational value of participating in a quality award process. A Swedish study.” The TQM Magazine. Vol 16 No 2, pp. 78-92. Single-authored paper
Eriksson, H. & Hansson, J. (2002). “The impact of TQM on financial performance”. Measuring Business Excellence, Vol 7 No 1, pp. 36-50. Co-authored paper (authors appear in alphabetical order). Joint design, data collection, analysis and writing
Hansson, J. & Eriksson, H. (2002). “The impact of TQM on financial performance”. Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 6 Iss: 4, pp.44 – 54. Co-authored paper (authors appear in alphabetical order). Joint design, data collection, analysis and writing
Birch-Jensen, A., Gremyr, I., Hallencreutz, J. and Rönnbäck, Å. (2018). ”Use of Customer Satisfaction Measurements to Drive Improvements”, Journal of Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol. 29. pp.1-14.
Cronemyr, Bäckström & Rönnbäck (2017) ”Quality Culture Deployment – Using Behaviours to Explain, Diagnose and Improve a Quality Culture”. Accepted for publication. Forthcoming in: Journal of Quality and Service Sciences (IJQSS).
Enquist, B., Johnson, M. and Rönnbäck, Å (2015). ”The Paradigm Shift to Business Excellence 2.0”, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 7 No. 2/3, pp. 321-333.
Johansson, E., Witell, L. and Rönnbäck, Å (2013). "Using Interventions to Change the Quality Profile of an Organisation", International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 32-45.
Rönnbäck, Å. (2012). ”Quality in the Public Procurement Process”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 24 No. 5, pp. 447-460. Rönnbäck, Å. and Witell, L. (2009). ”Value Creation in Outsourced Service Provision in Public Transportation”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 21 No. 5, pp. 517-529.
Rönnbäck, Å. and Witell, L. (2009). "Value Creation in Outsourced Service Provision in Public Transportation", The TQM Journal, Vol. 21 No. 5, pp. 517-529.
Rönnbäck, Å., Witell, L. and Enquist, B. (2009). ”Quality Management Systems and Value Creation”, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 241–254. (Chosen as a ”Highly Commended Award” winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2010)
Rönnbäck, Å. and Witell, L. (2008). ”A Review of Empirical Investigations Comparing Quality Initiatives in Manufacturing and Service Organizations”, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 18 No. 6, pp. 577–593. (Nominated for Managing Service Quality’s 2008 ”Best Paper Award”
Jurkeviciute, M., Lettieria, E., Enam, A. Torres, J., Eriksson, H. and Hellström, A. (2018) Assessing eHealth initiatives: Do theoretical frameworks matter in practice? 24th to 26th of April 2018, in Gothenburg, Sweden
Dahlin, S. Camén, C. and Eriksson, H. (2016). Quality improvements and care procurement. Friends or foes? SERVSIG Massricht Holland June 2016.
Santos, M. and Eriksson, H. (2015) Homo Experins– exploring the use of factorial experiments in daily life. Accepted to the 18th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS, Soul South Korea, October 2015.
Raharjo, H. and Eriksson, H. (2015). The Swedish quality award model for private and public organizations: comparing PLS-SEM and CB-SEM for multiple-group path analysis 2nd International Symposium on Partial Least Squares Path Modeling, Seville (Spain), 2015.
Mugion, Roberta Guglielmetti¸ Raharjo, Hendry Eriksson, Henrik Pietro, Laura Di Gremyr, Ida Renzi, Maria Francesca (2014) The Relationships between Enablers and Results in Excellence Models: Learnings From Italy And Sweden. Proceedings of 17th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS, Prague, September 3-5, 2014. Czech Republic, 2014.
Raharjo, H. and Eriksson, H. (2014). “What can we learn from Swedish Quality Award? An empirical investigation of the causal relationships.” 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Grand Hyatt Bali, Indonesia, January 7-9, 2014. Data collection by Eriksson, Study design and analysis by Raharjo.
Eriksson, H. (2013). Who needs to learn what from whom? Understanding quality management by differentiating organisations and practices. The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Bangkok, December 2013.
Siverbo, K. Eriksson, H., Raharjo, H. and Moonen, M. (2013). Training of healthcare professionals in quality improvement. Proceedings of the 16th QMOD-ICQSS conference. pp. 123-135.
Assarlind, M., Eriksson, H., Gremyr, I and Jakobsson, T. (2012). “Designing interventions in SMEs: Experiences from a pan-European multiple case study”. Conference Proceedings from the 13th Quality Management and Organizational development (QMOD) Conference, Poznan Poland, 5-7 September, 2012. Co-authored paper by Assarlind, Eriksson and Gremyr. (Best paper award)
Bergquist, B., Garvare, R., Eriksson, H., Hallencreutz, J., Langstad, J., Vanhatalo, E, Zobel, T. (2012) “Alive and kicking–but will Quality Management be around tomorrow? A Swedish academia perspective”, 13th Quality Management and Organizational development (QMOD) Conference, Poznan Poland, 5-7 September, 2012. Study design by Eriksson and Hallencreutz. Data collection jointly. Analysis by Hallencreutz. Writing jointly.
Siverbo, K., Eriksson, H., Wijk, H (2011). Enjoyable change in health care: The development and evaluation of an Innovation Engine.". Published in the Proceedings, Euroma conference 2011, Cambridge, July 2011. Intervention, data collection and analysis by Siverbo. Design and writing mainly by Eriksson and Siverbo.
Hellström, A. and Eriksson, H. (2007). ”Are you viewing, mapping or organizing your processes?” Conference Proceedings from the 10th Quality Management and Organizational development (QMOD) Conference, Helsingborg, Sweden, 18-20 June, 2007. Joint design, data collection, analysis and writing, with Hellström doing the predominant work in all phases (Best paper award)
Eriksson, H. and Hansson, J. (2005). Integration of Management Systems. Theoretical and practical implications. Conference Proceedings from the 8th Quality Management and Organizational development (QMOD) Conference, Palermo, Italy, 29th of June - 1st of July, 2005. Co-authored paper (authors appear in alphabetical order). Joint design, data collection, analysis and writing
Andersson, R. Eriksson, H. and Torstensson, H. (2004). Similarities and differences between TQM, Six Sigma and Lean Production”. Conference Proceedings from the 7th Quality Management and Organizational development (QMOD) Conference, Monterrey, Mexico, 4-6 August, 2004. Study design and analytical work by Andersson and Eriksson. Writing mainly by Eriksson. (Best paper award)
Klefsjö, B. and Eriksson, H. (2004) “What is the value of participating in a quality award process? Published in conference proceedings “Part 1: TQM Best Practices & Quality Awards”, Bangkok, 2004. The paper consists of a summary of my thesis. The paper was based on research I performed in the doctoral thesis and the writing is from the thesis.
Eriksson, H., Johansson, F. and Wiklund H. (2002). “Effects of in-company quality awards on organizational performance”. Conference Proceedings from the 7th World Congress for Total Quality Management: Business Excellence, Make it happen, Verona, Italy, 25-27 June 2002, University of Verona, Faculty of Economics, Vol 2, pp. 197- 204.
Eriksson, H. (2004). Organisational value of participating in quality award processes. Doctoral thesis. Luleå, Sweden. Division of Quality & Environmental Management, Luleå University of Technology.
Rönnbäck, Å. (2010). Co-creation of Value in Public Transportation – A Quality Management Perspective, Doctor Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden.
Aflaki, I.N., Eriksson, H., Schneider, T. (2017). Utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer för att initiera, genomföra och anpassa ett idéburet- offentligt partnerskap (IOP). Ett kunskapsunderlag från följeforskning av IOP ensamkommande i göteborg 2016‐2017. Rapport. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
Eriksson, H. (2015). “Kvalitet vid upphandling av vård och omsorg”. Rapport. Forum för Health Policy.
Eriksson, H. and Palmberg, K. (2003). Erfarenheter från utmärkelseprocessen till Utmärkelsen Svensk Kvalitet (USK). Research Report 2003:4. Luleå. Division of Quality and Environmental Management, Luleå University of Technology.
Eriksson, H. and Palmberg, K. (2003). Tre organisationers erfarenheter från utmärkelseprocessen till Utmärkelsen Svensk Kvalitet (USK). Research Report 2003:5. Luleå. Division of Quality and Environmental Management, Luleå University of Technology.
Eriksson, H. (2002). “The effects of in-company quality awards”. Research Report 2002:1. Luleå. Division of Quality Technology and Statistics, Luleå University of Technology.
Eriksson, H. (2002). “Erfarenheter från en företagsintern kvalitetsutmärkelse”. Research Report 2002:2. Luleå. Division of Quality Technology and Statistics, Luleå University of Technology.
Eriksson, H. (1999). ”Duglighetsstudier på Banddivisionen AB Sandvik Steel”. Examensarbete. Stockholm. Institutionen för materialens processteknologi. Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan.
Eriksson, H. (2019). "Sveriges bästa verksamheter". Bok.
Aflaki, I. et al. (2019). "Idéburet offentligt partnerskap (IOP) - Lärdomar från en avveckling, tillitsbaserade relationer och jämförelser med upphandlingar.
Larsson, O. et al. (2019). "Upphandlad: Forskarperspektiv på offentlig upphandling inom vård och omsorg". Bok.
Sörqvist, L. et al. (2018). ”Utredningen ignorerar forskning om kvalitet” Svenska Dagbladet.
Eriksson, H. och Bröchner, J. (2017). "Så kan vi få högre kvalitet i välfärden". Göteborgs-Posten.
Eriksson, H., Hansson, J. and Klefsjö, B. (2002). “Långsiktig utveckling lönsamt”. Kvalitetsmagasinet. No 4.
Eriksson, H (2004). "Är det lönsamt att söka kvalitetsutmärkelser?", Kvalitetsmagasinet, No.4.